Sunday, June 21, 2009

Our weekend...

Baby Sean woke up Saturday and was the most slobbery he's been since 3 months ago when we initially thought he was teething...well, it appears that some teethers might finally be making their how we spent our weekend: teething tablets, Motrin, freezer fish, and what has turned out to be the best teething tool ever...SE's PACIFIER. Yes, the child never wanted to use it for its intended pacifier purposes, but he definitely likes to gnaw on while those teeth have been deciding whether they want to surface. Hopefully, in the next week we'll get to post pictures of those bothersome teethers!

1 comment:

  1. I like the ferocious look he has in the first picture as he rips apart his pacifier! I also like the Baby Legs. I hope he is feeling better.
