Tuesday, February 23, 2010

In honor of the Olympics...

Which we have thoroughly enjoyed watching around our house and have stayed up way past Sean's and my normal bedtimes, here are some pictures of our crazy kid who loves to be thrown up in the air and the other night decided to do a Shawn White off our couch. Thankfully, there was no blood, only a bump on the head.

Monday, February 22, 2010


Sean and I had Young Life committee planning day Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. so I asked SE's favorites to baby-sit...our sweet friends Sarah and Colin came over promptly at 8:45 a.m. to entertain SE for the rest of the day. Colin sent us a video showing how much fun they all had. And this is what we came home to...

SE had requested Sarah pick him up and when she did, he snuggled up with her and went night-night. Um yes, they have our permission to baby-sit ANY time. We love Sarah and Colin and as evidenced, SE does too!

SE and his hair

SE has great hair so much so I often comment after it's washed "Patrick Dempsey, eat your heart out".

Great, right! Well Sean thought it was looking like a mullet because there were adorable curls hanging down in the back so he did the unthinkable and something momma wasn't ready to do...he CUT it! And not even straight as evidenced below. Thankfully, it seems SE has his momma's quick growing hair because it has grown out a little since "the cut" happened.